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Town and Village Festivities:

We are experienced in organizing town and village festivities through different ages of time within the time span between the Middle Ages and the beginning of the 20th century. Below are a few examples of town and village festivities in which are experienced in organizing:


Medieval Year Fair:

Because the Rikster Weber Group is very voluminous and versatile, almost every wish can be fulfilled. For example, if you want to organize a Medieval Year Fair, the Rikster Weber Group easily turns the center of your town into an ancient town center with real musicians, craftsmen and actors.


A “Preuverije”:

Have you ever tasted “Knorhaantjes, Donderschoer or Kniepertjes?”. A “Preuverije” from the Rikster Weber Group is the ideal way for you to become acquainted with typical old-Dutch food and drinks. It is guaranteed to be a great experience!


These are just two examples of our possibilities. We are experienced in organizing different events throughout different ages of time within the time span between the Middle Ages and the beginning of the 20th century. We are able to organize an event for up to 100.000 guests for which we use 300 employees, but we can also be hired as hosts or hostesses for an event of a smaller scale.

The option References will show you more impressions of what our possibilities are.

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